NY State of Mind
Written by Christina Suul · 2016
(Written with a sarcastic voice)
NY State of Mind
Looking back to when I first moved to New York, it is funny how different my life has become, and how different it is compared to all my friends back home in Norway. I know I should not compare my living situation to my friends’—because it really is two completely different worlds—but sometimes it is hard not to. I would say 98.9% of my closest friends are in a relationship and every time I go home on vacation there is always someone who just got engaged, who bought an apartment together, or recently revealed a baby bump. My friends are starting to climb up the business ladder and to get a better hold of their economy, and man, how proud I am of each and every one of them.
8.9% Sex and the City Girl
Then here I am. One person out of the 1.1% that are still single (out of all of my friends), in a city with 8 million people acting like no one really wants to grow up. Men at the age of 50 are dating gold diggers in their 20’s, and older women… Well, where the hell are they? It looks like all the Sex and The City women just vanished into space after the series aired back in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s.
“Maybe” there is something true about that New York dating culture you learned from SATC after all? ... Just saying.
Drink your sorrows away?
While my friends are starting to climb up the business ladder, I am still in prison. I mean… school. I am broke as fuck so I am working as a dog walker to afford one extra meal each week. Or make that a drink. Drink your sorrows away? Well, I would if I could afford more than one drink. Thank God for those $1 fish tacos on Mondays!
Who TF are you?
I am renting and sharing my apartment—located in Chinatown—with two other people. There are over fifty Chinese people in the same building as us that couldn't care less about who the fuck you are if you are not Asian. The heaters turns on automatically as the weather gets colder, but if you ask the heaters, it’s always hot outside, which means we go to bed wearing hoodies and sweatpants, a fleece blanket and an extra duvet.
And every now and then we can hear a troop (yes, a troop!) of mice running around inside the walls in our apartment.
It sounds like a battlefield. Sometimes it even sounds like they’re actually inside our apartment, but I guess that’s just one of them. Yeah, we got ourselves a new roommate: the lovely mouse living behind our stove, stealing all the food that we can barely pay for ourselves. And my friends in Norway? Well, they are staying warm and full in their newly renovated apartments.
A dollar please!
So, for those of you who think I am living a fabulous life in New York… Think again! But despite all of this, the city still makes me incredibly happy. It is something magical about this place and I am so grateful that I have the chance to be a part of it.
But seriously... If anyone would sponsor a single 20-year-old-something some money... Feel free!